chicks in H frame cage

What is the proper temperature for raising chicks? Temperature is a crucial factor that determines the breeding of chicks. Therefore, to improve the survival rate of chicks, it is necessary to pay attention to the temperature changes of chick houses:

The brooding temperature we are talking about here refers to the temperature of the brooding room. In some places, conditional, brooding is to use a brooder. In comparison, the temperature in the brooding room is lower than the temperature at the edge of the brooder, and the temperature at the edge of the brooder is lower than the temperature in the brooder.

Normally, during brooding, the appropriate temperature in the brooding room is:

  • 1-2 days old, the temperature is 35 ℃,
  • 3-7 days old, 32-35 ℃;
  • 7-14 days old, 29-32 ℃;
  • 14-21 Day old, the temperature is 27-29 ℃;
  • after 22 days old, the temperature is 21 ℃.


In addition to looking at the thermometer, we can also measure whether the temperature is appropriate based on the dynamic performance of the chicken. At a suitable temperature, the chicks are lively and active, the feathers are smooth and neat, the appetite is strong, the wings are stretched, the legs are agile, the sleep is quiet, the sleeping posture is stretched, the chicks are evenly scattered around the heat source; when the temperature is too low, the chicks The heat source is concentrated, squeezing each other, layer by layer, slow movement, necking, eyes closed and screaming, restless sleep; when the temperature is too high, the chickens are away from the heat source, open their mouths to gasp, breathe faster, and often drink water.

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