layer egg harvest

Do i have chance to start chicken farm business?

Yesterday , i go to one forum and see one ask : Do i still have chance to start chicken farm business ?

He said he is new in poultry farm business. He find many friends get rich and make a lot of money from poultry farming. But worry about there is no chance in poultry farming in Africa.

In fact , there are a lot chance to start chicken farm business . No matter which country he come from, how many capital he have .

Analysis for poultry farming

  1. Egg prices and feed price : egg price in Uganda is about 0.08USD/piece . The feed price about 240~260USD/1000kg. It have a big profit space .
  1. Government Policy. The government attitude is also important . Now in Africa, Nepal , Sri Lanka etc , government support poultry farming. And no strict environment protection policy now . So it is good to start poultry farming.
  1. Local environment: In Lagos , Nigeria , South Africa, Kenya , Uganda , these Africa countries , there are enough land for poultry farming. Also enough land to grow maize , supply chicken feed . Especially Uganda, now many maize is ship to Kenya poultry industry, because maize price is low at Uganda.

            So if Uganda can build more poultry farms , it have advantages on poultry feed .


  1. Egg suit for local market;Egg do not like other products , can transport a long way. First , many Africa road is not very good for truck. So long term transport will let egg broken. Second , long way transport need more cost . Third , too long time transport , egg is not fresh.

Poultry farms are more suit for local market. Supply egg for nearby village and city , short distance , this will keep egg fresh , no broken , and low cost on shipping.

  1. Chicken farm can start at any numbers : Not like other business , you must reach certain numbers . You can start chicken farm 100~500 birds as start . Chicken is easy to hatching by hatching machine . They can quickly large the numbers .

Now Southeast Asian countries , Africa countries , have much chance on poultry farming. Even in China , a fully compete market , every year many new farm is build .

If you want to start , it is never late . There is always have chance to start poultry farm business .

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